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Image by Shane Rounce

Heritage Party Leader

The Heritage Party stands for pride in our nation, traditional family values, liberty and free speech, low immigration and financial responsibility

Image by Charles Postiaux

Public Speaker

I make regular appearances at political conferences and other events around the country concerning a wide range of topics.

Image by Anthony DELANOIX


I have written numerous articles on political and cultural matters for titles such as the Conservative Woman, Breitbart, the Bruges Group, the Bow Group and Heritage Council


David Kurten

The Heritage Party

I am the Leader and one of the founding members of the Heritage Party, We stand for free speech and liberty, traditional family values, national sovereignty, and financial responsibility.

London Assembly

I was a London Assembly from May 2016 to May 2021, and sat on the Education, Environment, Fire & Emergency, Housing and Transport committees at City Hall.

Published and promoted by David Kurten of Unit 77, 26 The Hornet, Chichester, PO19 7BB

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